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About Me

     So much depends on food; and food depends on so much.  My love of nutrition started when I became a young mother, until then I had been oblivious about my food choices and the profound effect of food.  My main interest is within the realm of community nutrition, specifically helping those with limited access to nutrition knowledge or the low income populations. 

     My future goals in dietetics is to complete an internship and pass the RD exam, with this accomplished I hope to gain more experience in the food service and clinical setting of dietetics.  Eventually I would love to start working on designing and promoting community nutrition programs that assist those in need.​​​

     I love learning and trying new things, which has lead to my various talents and skills.  I have a wide range of interests such as cooking, sports, technology, and travel. I am always looking for new things to get involved in.

Check out my education, work experience, professional skills, and volunteer work on my resume. Just click the button to view.

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